What's New? Seeing The Light

A chronological list of recent changes to this website

Since maintaining this website is a tertiary function in my life, changes are unfortunately more sporadic than I would like. Here are the most recent changes:
05/20/08 Updated list of lighthouses open to the public. Click here to view.
Updated the list of Lighthouse Contacts. Click Here to view. 
Deleted the Net Resources page
I hated to get rid of this long-standing page, but lighthouse-related websites and businesses come & go so frequently that I found it impossible to keep up with the changes. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause)

5/18/08 Completely revised and expanded the Tower Height page in the Database section, including source references. Click here to view.
Added a new "Focal Height" page in the Database section, listing focal heights of the lights and complete source references. Click here to view.
Added this page.

This page last updated 05/20/08           Copyright Terry Pepper
